Grants the wishes of local children with life-threatening medical conditions. Includes information on how to volunteer, donate, calendar of upcoming events, and how to refer a .
Make-A-Wish Foundation Home Page, the premier wish-granting organization for children, including Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, Make-A-Wish Foundation International and .
Die Make-A-Wish-Foundation ist ein international aktiver gemeinn�tziger Verein, der sich die unentgeltliche Erf�llung von Herzensw�nschen schwerstkranker Kinder zum Ziel make a wish foundation .
Make-A-Wish Deutschland e.V.erf�llt lebensbedrohlich erkrankten Kindern und Jugendlichen ihren langersehnten Wunsch
Share the Power of a Wish �
Grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Features information about referrals, volunteering, the adopt a wish program, and who to contact.
Stephanie, age seven, wheelchair-bound with muscular atrophy, wished for a secret garden.
Grants wishes of children with serious medical conditions. Includes stories, donations, events, promotions, and how to refer a child.
Make-A-Wish Foundation International is a non profit organization established to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human .
Grants wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. Includes information on local events, news, donations, pending wishes, volunteers, and how to refer a child.
Exciting news! On September 1, 2011, the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro New York joined forces with the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Western New York and became one chapter under .
Die �sterreichische Tochterorganisation der internationalen Make-A-Wish-Foundation, die W�nsche schwer kranker Kinder erf�llt.
Mission is to grant the wishes of seriously ill children. Features information about volunteering, giving, referring a child, news, and facts.
On April 29 - World Wish Day - in Atlanta, GA Nic, a 14 year old who had Burkitt
We have moved!!! We invite you to stop by and tour our new offices. 5105 S. Durango Dr. Suite 100. Las Vegas, NV 89113. 702-212-9474. Thank you for your support of the Make-A .
Kendall loved meeting all of the Walt Disney characters, especially her favorite - Cinderella!
Learn how they make wishes come true for children with serious medical conditions. Includes a media kit, mail, FAQ, events, volunteer opportunities, and a gift shop.
Make-A-Wish Ireland . The calendar below shows upcoming Make a Wish make a wish foundation events. Simply click
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