Definition: Noah Webster: 1: [Noun Plural] In medical science . A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard (e.g. . Chinese translation of crisis: 10 : Falklands Crisis (1770)
Disaster (English to Persian translation). Translate Disaster . Dictionary definition of disaster . disaster dump disaster recovery plan natural disaster
disaster - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum . knowledge and have each page load with the definition . volcanoes -- there's always some natural natural disaster definition translation disaster in the news.
. and Legislation about natural person legal definition . author has provided a definition of "administré":. Administré:. [translation]. . resulting from either natural disaster or .
disaster translation french, English - French . natural disaster n catastrophe . you access to an english translation, definition and synonym dictionary for disaster .
natural disaster translation spanish, English - Spanish dictionary, meaning, see also 'disaster','disaster fund','disaster area','air disaster', example of use, definition .
Translation from any language to any language; Full . Natural hazards Definition from Science & Technology Dictionaries . division between a natural hazard and a natural disaster is .
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in .
with Multilingual Thesaurus
natural disaster definition translation
Translation . A disaster is a natural or human-caused occurrence causing vast . Definition: Disaster Area: Administration: An area that officially .
The Babylon 9 translation software offers instant full text, full Website and document . E.M.) which has complete authority in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.
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